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Looking for a color or length option not in stock? Email us and we can order it in! Email [email protected]
- Only available to Stylist and Salon professionals ONLY when valid credentials are given
- Please refer to Bohyme's Official website for all colour and length options available. Not all combinations are available (colour, length, or texture) for each method
- Pricing depends on Colour, Length, Texture and Style
For pricing a valid License must be present before any information will be given.
Machine Tied Wefts
- Lengths: 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 22", 26"
- Textures: Silky Straight, Body Wave, French Refined, Brazilian Wave, Egyptian Wave
Hand Tied Wefts
- Lengths: 14", 18", 22”
- Textures: Silky Straight, Body Wave, Ocean Breeze
Seamless Tied Wefts
- Lengths: 18", 22”
- Textures: Silky Straight